International Conference Declaring War on Declarations, 12-13 June, 2015
Within the framework of the EuroBioAct project, the international conference Declaring war on declarations: various theoretical respond to modern practical challenges was held on June 12 and 13 2015 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka. The conference gathered 14 participants coming from France, Germany, Serbia, USA and Croatia. The ideas and conclusions from this conference are going to be incorporated into theoretical platform of bioethical standards.
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14th Lošinj Days of Bioethics, 17-20 May, 2015
In the mid of May this year 14th Lošinj Days of Bioethics took place on the island of Lošinj. Amir Muzur and Iva Rinčić gave the presentation Bioethics: science or religion? The aim of presentation was to evaluate the attributions of bioethics. The topic of Rinčić, Muzur and Doričić presentation was in what way personal and professional pathways of Jahr, Potter, Bregenzer, Šegota and de Witt influenced the development of bioethics and vice versa. Željko Kaluđerović presented the topic Anaksimenes' undestaning of life.